Service Department
The credibility of our Service Department is absolutely astounding. Specializing in stock and high performance Aprilia, Beta, Moto Guzzi, and Vespa, we are equipped to make your motorcycle, scooter, ATV, UTV or boat suitable for you and your taste. We have top factory-trained technicians on duty during all business hours.
We honor all warranty work and favor any recalls. We accommodate any type of problem that may arise with your motorcycle, scooter, ATV, UTV or boat in an efficient, precise, and timely manner.
Expert Vehicle Maintenance & Repair
Our goal at Xtreme Powersports is to keep your recreational vehicle running at peak performance without sacrificing service. We have factory-certified technicians on staff to ensure your vehicle is in and out as soon as possible. To make it as fast, safe and easy as possible, we will load and unload your vehicle using our hoist. Or if you prefer, use our pickup and delivery service. Once inside, all vehicles remain in-doors from start to finish.
Customer Service Hassle-Free Pricing
Xtreme Powersports service pricing is a "hassle-free" method of quoting maintenance and repair service. Whether it's an instant tire and oil change or a major repair, you'll know exactly what needs to be done and how much it will cost. Estimates are always available. And we'll match any advertised specials.
Tuning, performance upgrades, and race prep.
Xtreme Powersports offers performance upgrade advice and installation, and even full race prep for bikes, ATVs, and side by sides. Let us get the most from your exhaust and intake upgrades on your bike, or take your UTV from stock to race-ready.
Proper storage of your vehicle is important.
If you don't have the time, the money, or the facilities, Xtreme Powersports offers a year-round, indoor, secured storage facility for all types of motorsports vehicles including motorcycles, watercraft, boats, and snowmobiles. Vehicle preparation and pre-season tune-ups can be included in our storage program packages, so you're ready to go when the next season starts. For added convenience, pick up and delivery is available.
Store motorcycles, atvs, watercraft, boats, and snowmobiles at Xtreme Powersports!
Monthly storage fees are:
- $79 per month for one PWC with a single-place trailer
- $75 per month for Motorcycles, ATV's and Snowmobiles
- $6.50/ft per month for boats
Save time, money and garage space by taking advantage of OUR PACKAGE PRICES which include winterization (prepare for storage) and summerization (prepare for riding season), plus storage until May 1st.
Snowmobile Storage Season runs April 1st through December 1st.
Motorcycle Storage Season runs September 1st through May 1st.
- $799 for personal watercraft on a single-place
- trailer$1099 for two personal watercraft on a double-place trailer
- $649 for Motorcycles and ATV's - (Does not include trailer storage.)
- $679 for Snowmobiles - (Does not include trailer storage.)
Personal Watercraft Prepare for Storage
- Fog Engine
- Flush Cooling System
- Disconnect Battery
- Stabilize Fuel System
- Lube Cylinders
- Spray Engine Compartment With Anti-Corrosive Lube
Personal Watercraft Prepare for Riding Season
- Replace Spark Plugs
- Install and Charge Battery
- Clean Watercraft
- Hose Test for Operation

Motorcycle, ATV and Snowmobile Prepare for Storage
- Drain Carburetors
- Charge Battery
- Seal Exhaust and Intake
- Stabilize Fuel System
- Lube Cylinders
- Check Coolant Condition
- Loosen Track on Snowmobiles
Motorcycle, ATV and Snowmobile Prepare for Riding Season
- Charge and Test Battery
- 24 Point Pre-season Inspection
- Adjust Engine Idle
- Change Oil and Filter
- Clean Machine
- Adjust Track on Snowmobiles

Service Recommendations and Delivery
Please call our Service Department at (301) 387-2095 to schedule your service work.
Need Help?
Call our service department at (301) 387-2095.